Home cooking from Villa Inglese

05 April 2020Every chef should know their onions! A Neapolitan dish traditionally served on a Sunday, created by a chef called Genovese - it has nothing to do with pesto! SERVES 4 You can begin to prepare the dish on Saturday, cook it for four hours, then cook it for another four hours on Sunday morning so that it’s ready...
29 March 2020A vegetable torta made with swiss chard, french beans, potatoes, courgettes, borlotti beans, pesto and pine nuts. SERVES 4 This dish will take around one and a half hours from start to finish with around 50 minutes of prep time and 40 minutes of cooking time at 165°C. You will need a cake tin....
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29 March 2020The ultimate ’pick me up’. SERVES 4 It shouldn’t take more than forty minutes to prepare. You should leave the freshly prepared tiramisu covered in the fridge for a couple of hours to firm up. TOP TIPS: I usually beat all the egg whites to make the meringue...
27 March 2020Probably the only dish that unites Italy and therefore one of its most divisive… SERVES 4 The quick version takes about forty minutes, using borlotti beans that have already been cooked. and without the prosciutto stock and its skin, which I like to use. But, then the takes twenty four hours of organisation....
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26 March 2020This is the healthy version. Extra virgin olive oil. No lard or pig skin. SERVES 4 Chopping and cooking included you can make this in forty minutes. If you want to make the orecchiette as well that’s another good hour. TOP TIPS: I like more vegetables than pasta, so I use less than...
25 March 2020A Vegetarian ‘Bolitto Misto’! Or, a ‘Bolitto Misto’ Salad. SERVES 4 It all depends on how adventurous you want to be but this shouldn't take more than forty minutes. TOP TIPS: Use vegetables that are in season. What makes this dish...
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22 March 2020Bouillon. The spelling, the sound the word makes and the feeling it creates as you move your mouth to pronounce it… The translucent amber colour and that marvellous re-invigorating flavour with all those perfectly chopped vegetables cocooned within it says one thing to me – La Belle France. SERVES 10 This...
21 March 2020I call this a caponata and it is - loosely. To keep it fresh I use as little oil as possible and there’s no deep fat frying. There is no aubergine in this version as I feel it makes the dish lose its crunch and sharpness. This dish appears in my cooking in many different forms. It’s very simple, but requires attention to detail. It’s absolutely...
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20 March 2020The Apennines on a plate. SERVES 4 Fifteen minutes to mix the ingredients together. Leave to rest in the fridge for an hour. Roll into balls and Deep fry. TOP TIPS: The oil shouldn’t get to hot or the palotte will brown too fast on the outside and will remain raw...
20 March 2020A puzzling dish – it never tastes the same twice over. SERVES 4 You’ll need at least forty minutes to griddle the vegetables as they all have different cooking times. Once cooked, remove them from the griddle and place in a covered container to allow them to continue to steam in their own...
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20 March 2020The cheeks of the monkfish are what you’re going to eat but the flavour and the gelatinous quality, which give the finished sauce its ‘tripe like’ feel, come from whole head. It’s a dish that needs a certain amount of bravado. SERVES 4 The head will take an hour to cook then it will need time...
20 March 2020A wonderful dedication to spring. SERVES 10 A prep time of one and a half hours does seem quite long for this dish but all these spring vegetables are time consuming to prepare. TOP TIPS: Your job is to bring out the flavours of the ingredients and then marry them together....
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20 March 2020This is a recipe which can go in many directions. It doesn’t have to end up as a soup at all. SERVES 4 To make the soup is very simple and takes about forty minutes, but you do need to have certain ingredients already prepared such as cooked lentils or other pulses and cereals, a cooked chicken...
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12 February 2020In Livorno, they make the farinata into a sandwich and it is called ‘cinque e cinque’ – originally five lire of bread and five lire of farinata. SERVES 4 As the batter needs to rest overnight for the gluten to form it’s best to begin the process the day before you intend...
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11 February 2020No onion please and don't over egg it! SERVES 4 This shouldn’t take longer than forty minutes. TOP TIPS: Go on the basis of three egg yolks and one whole egg for every four people and use a mixture of parmesan and pecorino. A good tip is to cut your guanciale into...
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11 February 2020What my son would call a great salad! TOP TIPS. keep the beef as cold as possible. Trim the beef and then cut into thin slices and place the slices of beef between two pieces of baking paper and beat with a ‘batti carne’...
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20 December 2019Top tips. the tricky bit is to unite all the ingredients together, cooking the chestnuts down to thicken the soup and then adding the spelt at the right moment so that it absorbs all the flavours of the other ingredients without becoming overcooked. First to prepare the chestnuts. bring a large pan of water to the boil. While...
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